birostris individuals from two sites and discuss our findings in the context of local environmental parameters and other recorded sightings in the South Pacific region. We provide photographic identification of ten M. Two additional oceanic manta ray individuals were recorded in the Yasawa Island Group in the west of Fiji while passing through and foraging in a channel between Drawaqa and Naviti Island in April and September 2020. Unique ventral identification patterns could be obtained for nine individuals, and all nine individuals have been re-sighted since first identification, with one individual being documented in 2018, 2020, 20.

Subsequently, three more individuals were sighted in December 2018, two individuals in July 2020, at least six individuals were observed in November 2021, and eight individuals in May/June 2022, all foraging in the same geographical area. In November 2018, two individuals were sighted foraging in Laucala Bay, a large lagoon adjacent to Suva, the capital city of Fiji.
Pacific manta ray download#
First-photographic-evidence-of-oceanic-manta-rays-Mobula-birostris-at-two-locations-in-the-Fiji-islands-peerj-13883_2018 Download Introduction